It is beyond the scope of my imagination that anyone would choose to be a “minority” in anything. Not because it is a bad thing, but because one of the most powerful drives for human beings is to BELONG. Wouldn’t it be safer and more comfortable, if everyone looked and thought the same way?

It would also be the most boring, mind numbing existence imaginable. It would be like having every home in the world with white walls and beige carpet. If you just look at nature you see a myriad of shapes sizes and colors. You known, nature as in “natural.”

We have the big flap going on about gay athletes. Do you really think any athlete in his or her right mind would choose to be gay? It is just the hand they were dealt. They are not sick, crazy, bad or stupid. They just think and feel differently and what they do is a function of their self-expression. Oh, there may be a few who were pushed in a particular direction by their circumstance but not by freely choosing. If someone is doing anything it is natural. There are no unnatural acts.

The source of peace in people’s lives is when we can accept and be ourselves. In doing so we can naturally accept others just as they are. If that was the “way of the world” we could come together to solve any challenge that life gives us. My view, that I am sure is an over-simplification, is that we live in a “right/wrong” world. Being right makes everyone who doesn’t agree, wrong.

The State of Indiana has just passed legislation, “The Religious Reform Act,” that is an inane example of being right. How anyone can think this is a viable piece of legislation is beyond me. We are standing on Plymouth Rock again. And, we are playing an NCAA basketball championship in Indianapolis. Give me a break! Is this acceptable to our institutions of higher learning?

This is only one example. Official headquarters for many major athletic organizations are housed in Indianapolis. They should all be raising hell with the powers that be.They have insulted the spirit of competitive athletics and the athletes that participate. But then, I forgot. Didn’t the Klu Klux Klan originate in Indiana?