I have questions. The first question I have is “where are we headed?” We live in a world that basically doesn’t work. We have territorial wars. We have religious wars. We have other ideological conflicts. It sounds like the world in 300 B.C. … so much for technology.

We live in a world that is more interested in the latest electronic widget than they are about the community they live in. We think our Internet communications create relationships. At best they may maintain relationships that were created in-person.

We have greater interest in being entertained than what we might have in our ability to make a difference. I know, everyone isn’t like that. If the shoe doesn’t fit, don’t wear it. I just say what I see. Our young people think they are entitled to an education, a great job, a wonderful family, etc. I think they are waiting for the “good fairy.” Last I heard she was killed in a train wreck.

Responsibility is almost a swear word. Accountability is a swear word. We have a difficult time finding someone who will be authentic with us—you know, actually tell it like it is. Instead we get communications that give the communicator an opportunity to look good or be admired. Forget being straight with each other.

Let me be clear about this. I will never give up on the human race. I know that we are capable of huge turnarounds. It won’t happen with a flip of a coin. It happens through being authentic with people. It will be a process of asking more of ourselves and of others.

One thing that is sorely missing in our young people is the ability to bounce back from adverse circumstances. We need to give them room to take a risk, make a mistake and do so without withdrawing our love and support of them. We need to have them stand on two feet for themselves and with their peers. We need to stop worrying about making them happy. We need to be leaders with them. Leaders can be trained and we need all we can get. Ask yourself this—”What is the real priority here?”

“The Art of Losing” is Coach Todd’s book for coaches. Its lessons are for anyone. Get your copy at lulu.com.