One of the stories coming out of the Dallas Mavericks victory over the Miami Heat for NBA Championship was the fact that the Heats fine player, Chris Bosh, was in tears after the deciding sixth game … Duh!!

What would be appropriate in my view is that every player and coach on both teams would be in tears. To be moved is normal given the amount of effort given, the preparation, and the commitment it took to play in the Finals is monumental. So whats the fuss?

Tears are a normal bodily function. Just like you put oil in your car and change it regularly. As natural to laughter or anger as they are to the rest of our emotions. Youve heard of bored to tears? I hope you have had tears from uncontrollable laughter. I hope that you have fully expressed your sadness when you were sad. Pardon me if I have a doubt or two.

I have led workshops where I have had one person laughing and another crying at the same time as a result of a single conversation. And, without fail the one with tears will be apologizing for œbreaking down.

There is nothing broken here! There is œcrying in baseball. (Check œA League of Their Own). There are tears available and sometimes present in every human endeavor.

I have worked with coaches and their athletes for the past 25 years on building championship teams. One of the signs that the team is approaching that level is when the athletes are moved by realizing how great their teammates are.

There are consequences to suppressing our emotions. If you suppress one, you suppress them all. We have done this for so long in the workplace that there is no real aliveness. Oh, there may be a lot of moving around, being busy. Are we passionate about our work? Do we share that with our teammates?

Back to the consequences, suppressing our emotions is first and foremost inauthentic. We are emotional beings. We are not being ourselves when we suppress. This costs:

Relationship”The key to everything
Full self-expression”Access to our talent
Happiness”What everyone says they want
Satisfaction”This keeps us in the game
Results”Is what we do produce all there is?
Love”To love and be loved requires authenticity

There may be other costs you want to add to your list. Is the cost worth it to œbe cool, keep it together and look good? And, ultimately be a œdead man (or woman) walking in the process?

The more authentically we express ourselves, the easier it is for others to relate to us. After all, they have been in similar situations with similar emotions and feelings.

There are two great fears for human beings. First, that we wont be heard. Second, that we wont be known. Being your fully-expressed self gives the people around you the greatest opportunity to know you. A fear quieted.

Check out Coach Todds latest book, œThe Art of Losing, Coaching Athletics and Thriving in a Made-for-TV World. You can find it on