You and I have heard people say many times, “he or she is a “control freak.” Consider that everyone is putting energy into attempting to control something. The question is “Do we actually control anything?”

The closest I see we come to controlling anything is with our own actions. How are you doing with that? How many times have you said I am going to do “X” today and instead have done “Y” or nothing at all?

If you do control your actions, you are in the 1% of the world that does. And, I doubt it. Mostly we are reacting to our circumstances and doing what we usually do. Reacting isn’t a “good” or “bad” thing; it just isn’t the only thing. Therefore, it is a limitation.

Yes, we do have lucid moments where we actually create something that isn’t limited in some way by our past. Knowing what I just said or understanding it provides very little. After all, knowing and understanding are past-based and, therefore, a limitation. Now what do I do?

What there is to do is create something in a conversation called “possibility.” The context is “anything is possible.” Truly.

This gives you an opportunity to use your experience as a contribution to the conversation. It can’t be delivered in a definitive statement or referencing the past. So, how or what do you say?

Frame it in a question. Ask the people in your conversation to consider something. It doesn’t need a qualifier or evidence. You are not saying, “This is the way.” You are just adding it to a list of possibilities, all of which are equal to each other in value. You can then choose what you are willing to take action on.

It takes practice to exclude the past. It takes discipline to create anything. Ask any artist, songwriter or author if this isn’t the case.