Every project (season, life) has a beginning, middle and an end. Knowing this will not be news nor provide much without being aware and noticing the transition from one phase to the next. Someday, you and I can look at these phases or probably better said “operating states.”

Today, let’s just look at one thing that is happening all along the way in the action called competition. Actually there are two things that can happen in the competition—winning or losing. I actually don’t think we can discount either as important in the learning process.

Everyone loves to win, i.e., the game, the argument, the lottery, etc. Every situation that produces an outcome is evaluated from a win/lose perspective. At least that is what I think. I am very clear that my teams didn’t learn much, if anything, from winning. It reminds me of a quote:
“Results may be the clouds that cover the cost of our behavior.”

Someday I will tell you who said that. The point is that when we are winning everything is “good.” So, why worry about doing something new or different?

In life’s processes what we learn, that we act on, is the only thing that really makes a difference. Every time we learn something we increase our capacity. “Capacity for what?”, you may be thinking.

The capacity for being fully ourselves. The ability to love, appreciate ourselves and others, to make the difference we choose to make. The moment we stop learning we begin to atrophy. Wow, there goes our capacity.

Life doesn’t care whether you have a good one or not. It just keeps putting roadblocks in our way. ROADBLOCKS=THE OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN AND “BOUNCE BACK” FROM THE EXPERIENCE BETTER THAN EVER. The pioneers in our history had amazing “bounce back.” Are we training our children to do the same?

Take a peek at Coach Todd’s books on lulu.com. They could be very useful in accomplishing your dreams.