I am often asked, “What is it I do?” The simple answer and an accurate one, is I coach performance. Are there different pieces to the performance puzzle? Absolutely. Mostly people have their eye on the results. What I suggest is that worrying about the results will not get you the results. It is talking about winning when that will not produce winning. You only have a result when the game, project or venture is over. Impacting performance is a process.

Of course there will be results or I won’t be coaching anyone for very long. My ultimate intention is to cause a breakthrough in performance that leads to breakthrough results. Breakthroughs occur beyond expectation and what was previously considered possible. So what does that look like in action?

I tend to think that if I can zero in on a single aspect I have the most leverage … in other words, to cause the greatest movement. “Movement where?” you may be thinking. Movement towards fulfilling on what the performers commitments are. What is the future they have created for themselves?

Let’s look at an example of what the process might be for a freshman quarterback at the collegiate level or the freshman business major, for that matter. What I am about to say applies to teams as well. The quarterback is committed to being drafted in the NFL. The business student is committed to being CEO of a major corporation. As the coach I am committing to their commitment.

Since they are doing the performing, my job is to have them SEE an action to take. All action is a function of what one sees. You can know and understand something, but until you see the appropriate action your performance will be incremental at best.

Let’s say our quarterback throws too many INT’s or knockdowns. What he sees or wants to see is that the receiver is open … too late. What does he need to see?

I propose it is the spot the receiver will be in when he breaks free of the defender. He sees the receiver, delivers, reception, breakthrough. It takes risk to cause a breakthrough. What do you need to cause a breakthrough in you life?

I know, get a coach!