I dont get it. We have one country and multitude of opinions as to what to do with it. We lead the world in finger-pointing. We act like we dont need each other. We complain about the œway it is.” We are all responsible for everything that is going on. Yes, even the independents who are mostly independent so they dont have to take responsibility for screwing things up.

What is it going to take to see that we need what everyone has to offer? Anyone that knows anything about teams knows that there isnt a œright game to play. There is simply playing the same game. We dont have to agree on the pathway to get where we want to go. We need to be aligned on making things work in spite of our differences. Leadership needs to see that they dont know nor do they have to know what the answers are.

As an example, put 10 of the best business minds in a room for a week and I guarantee they will figure out what it takes to eliminate the National Debt. They would be willing only if they are able to implement what they come up with the support of all the players.

Any game where all the players are aligned is better than the most brilliant of games that part of the team is resisting.

I have heard all my life that it is a game of give and take. Mostly what I see is the majority of the players are strong on the take part. We have brilliant people who can solve any problem and we dont use them. The people who are designated to do that are too busy playing the game called politics to get anything else done.

Actually it is the part of the politics game that I have the biggest quarrel with called œgetting re-elected. Look at the energy that is put into that; it has to take away from other pursuits. Why dont we give the elected official a longer term and then they are out. We could even let them run again for office after a break in time so they could organize themselves to run again on their own time.

As an example, what if President Obama had an eight year term and you could see what he really can do? He is a relatively young guy, so if he chose to run again after the break the voters would have the opportunity to fully evaluate the effects of his first term in office, a luxury we never have.

I am not saying that I have the answers. I am saying what are the questions? Doing what we usually do¦.yes, I know you know what that gets us, yet, we continue to do just that.

We need to take a risk We need to go for a first down on fourth and a yard. We need to attack our problems instead of attempting to œlook good by running in place.

In my basketball coaching days I chose to have my teams run the fast break at all times. To force the play, to test the conditioning of the other team. I dont know if that was the smartest thing to do. What I do know is that my players loved the action and it gave us a chance against any and all opponents.

We have the skill and talent to do anything we choose to do in this country. What is missing is ability. The ability to apply our skill and talent under any and all circumstances. It does not take the spectacular to be a championship team. It takes doing whatever it takes regardless of the circumstances. It takes the intention to master the game. The only thing we are competing against is ourselves.

Go to lulu.com and get your copy of Coach Todds latest book, The Art of Losing, Coaching Athletics and Thriving is a Made-for-TV World.